Riders will double summit the legendary Stelio pass on May 23, a 227km stage with 5400m of climbing.

Brave, Bold and Daring… Audax Alpine Classic

The Ultimate 320 is toughest of nine ride options in the Alpine Classic requiring you to cover 320km and 5,000m of climbing over Mt Buffalo, Mt Hotham, Falls Creek and Tawonga Gap.

This kind of ride is undoubtedly how Audax riders have acquired the reputation as hard core long distance warriors, and its appeal is attracting new crowds of the fit and fast and those up for a challenge.

Some 6,000 cyclists and their supporters will travel from Melbourne, interstate and even internationally to undertake this epic endurance cycling event.

But apart from the Ultimate 320’s devilish distance there are another eight rides to choose from at 250, 200, 140, 130, 70 and 60km—all with a decent level of climbing.

The Audax Alpine Challenge is not a race; it’s a personal challenge event. Audax is a Latin adjective meaning brave, bold, daring…. so be audacious, push your limits and help the Kids Cancer Project, the charity that benefits from your generous and committed efforts.

If you need some training advice or a plan to increase your level of fitness for the event, you can download a free Alpine Classic Training program developed by David Heatley from the Cycling Inform website (www.cycling-inform.com)

There’s plenty to see and do before and after the event right at the finish line. Running concurrently is a free French themed festival ‘Bonjour Bright’ open to riders and supporters and the community at the start and finishing line in Howitt Park. There’ll be feature movies, music and children’s entertainment, plus cycling merchandise, food and drink stalls and the Ovens River for a post-ride dip.

Search alpineclassic.com.au to enter


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Riders will double summit the legendary Stelio pass on May 23, a 227km stage with 5400m of climbing.

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This final step ensures there are no small leaks around the bead-to-rim junction. Hold the rim at a 45-degree angle with the tyre resting on the ground. Once the sealant has settled towards the bottom of the tyre, give it a bounce and a shake to slosh the sealant against the sidewalls. Now move the tyre around an eighth of a turn and repeat. Do this all the way around on both sides and you’ll be ready to hit the road!

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